So it's about 9:20 a.m. Feb. 23, 2019 in Spokane, WA. Im sitting at the start of a really good conference that's targeting a subject that SHHHHHH people don't want to talk about because it's too personal and real, but the subject of the conference has nothing to do with what is stirring unrest in my spirit.
The music portion of the worship that's going on is good. The musicians are talented and I don't want to say anything in disregard about them or even the congregation that's participating in worship.
But I just feel there's a spirit of performance; of surface level spirituality permeating the churches and creating false atmospheres and giving false senses of security, false senses of salvation.... that in these conferences and camps, the folks "feel" something for a moment and then at the end go looking for that feeling again and because that feeling was false, that it wasn't the Holy Spirit; it can't be recreated because it never existed, yet they were told it was real; because believe me if it was the Holy Spirit ain't nobody stopping that move bruh.
Yet even during an altar time, we urge and encourage folks to let down their walls to allow the Holy Spirit to move and change and affect their lives, but we're only going to give them a few seconds. REALLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Ummmm Lord, I'd like You to do something in these lives but only on this program because we've got to fit such and such in......
So, now get this, people no longer know what to believe because now the enemy slips in and has sold them a bill of goods. When as worshippers, we must worship in Spirit and in Truth, not a timeline created by man.
There was a song that was sung this day that I felt an unction could have solidly impacted folks had it been done just a bit differently.
I pray for confirmation that it's not just a personal thing but a Holy Spirit thing. And perhaps the Holy Spirit wants to teach me something; either way He's teaching me something. But regardless of any program if, IF, Holy Spirit, is really doing something in the midst of any event who are we as mere men to try to run any part of the clock?
I'm drawn to remember a chorus from Alvin Slaughter; speak Lord and my heart will obey.
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