25 March 2019

Paid full time to do a part time job

So the governor of Washington Jay Inslee has thrown his hat in the proverbial ring for president of the United States.

Cool stuff,  however,  he says he isn't stepping down from his position as governor.  So I ask you,  would your boss allow you to go looking for another job while collecting pay from them?

Naaahhhhh mine either, ....so why should it be the same for this dude? There is no way possible for him to do the job THE RIGHT WAY being divided.

A divided heart does no one any good and pending what side of the fence you sit on with Inslee if you don't agree with him you know he ain't doing the job right when he was supposedly fully focused.

So Inslee if you're running for President, do the right thing and quit your day job.  Why? Because you shouldn't burden the people of Washington for a half effort. While your out campaigning,  visiting California,  and what have you,  the are decisions that need to be made and you can't do the job you were hired,  yes hired when somehow you gained enough votes to be elected,  to do. You work for the people of Washington State.

Do that job with 100 percent of your self or do the right thing,  step aside and let someone else who has a whole heart for us do the job.

You no longer do,  time to cut bait sir.

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